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Image by Aditya Vyas

Our Services and Technology

This page was created to give you a brief overview of the therapies that we provide at Ace Dental Specialists. The fact is, procedures are far less scary and we will discuss them with you in person in a much more appropriate and supportive setting.

Root Canal Treatment

When the internal tissue of a tooth becomes compromised, your dentist may recommend a root canal to save the tooth and avoid the need for extraction, bridges, or implants. While it takes a great deal of skill to perform, the basic procedure is relatively straightforward. Because a fully developed tooth no longer requires its internal tissue (pulp) to survive, infected pulp can be removed and replaced with inert material. Once the tooth is restored, you get to continue enjoying your tooth, with normal biting force and sensation, efficient chewing, and keeping your natural smile!

Endodontic Retreatment

Most endodontically treated teeth last as long as natural teeth. On occasion, however, an endodontically treated tooth may fail over time.

The three primary reasons for failure are:

  • tooth decay or leaking restorations (filling and crowns). 

  • The placement of the crown or other restoration was delayed following the endodontic treatment.

  • cracks that have developed in the tooth over time due to excessive biting stress (due to grinding, chewing hard objects or foods, or traumatic injury).

  • unfulfilled objectives during the initial treatment. That is, something was missed in the initial treatment, whether it was meticulous cleaning, shaping of the anatomy, or the proper filling of all anatomy.

When advisable, retreating a root canal is a great way to give your tooth a second chance, avoiding extraction and adding years of life to the tooth. If you have a problematic root canal, Dr. AbdulRahiman will first perform a thorough diagnostic examination with a 3-D scan to determine the status and prognosis of the tooth followed by a consultation to discuss all of your treatment options.

Cone Beam Computed Tomography

At ACE,we are proud to use state of the art 3D Imaging in our practice. We strive to use every tool accessible to fully diagnose patients with minimal invasive procedures and provide the best care possible for you. 3D Imaging is now another tool to provide us that. It helps us to decide the best treatment for a tooth, even one that has been endodontically treated in the past but has become a problem again.

Dental Operating Microscope

Zeiss Dental microscopes are used for all treatments and consultation in order to more completely visualize anatomical complexities, improving both diagnoses and allowing for precision during treatment.

Smiling Couple


Call our office at 603-444-3025

and begin your journey to better oral healthcare!

"If you see someone without a smile give them one of yours."


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